My Body and I

3 min readOct 25, 2021

My body has been through so much and will go through so much more. I think it's the perfect sentence to start this essay as I’m writing this as a love letter to my body.

My body has worn size small and has worn size extra large. It has been through countless needle injections to help me satisfy my ego. It has been forced to do things I thought I could never do. It gives me multiple orgasms to satisfy my carnal needs. I gave it diseases and it survives. Through thick and thin, my body never fails me.

My body has fought a battle against laxative addiction, nicotine and alcohol abuse, narcotics use, and whatever chemical substance I put into it. Yet, it’s still here serving my needs. My body has been helping me move cities, adapt to various climates, lift things heavier than my body weight, and at the same time supply me with tears to help me cope with unfamiliar situations.

I have never been pregnant and to do that, again, I have put my body through so much. The number of pills I swallow and the interrupted pleasure I forced to my body to prevent pregnancy, not letting it do the most natural thing to happen to a human body. In order to make me feel good about myself.

With all the things I have done to my body, it’s not fair if I still think that it's undeserving of love. With all the things my body has been through, it deserves the biggest love I could give. It deserves to be treated nicely and most importantly, it deserves to be seen and appreciated for what it is.

I keep saying that I am more than my body, but why would I say something like that about something so amazing? My body is one of the most wonderful things about me. I could go through all the things that happened in my past only because of my body. All my crazy stories could only take place because I had my body. I say I’m a braveheart, but I could only be brave because I know my body will always be there for me.

I spend my whole life hating something that always helps me. Blaming it so quickly for bad things, forgetting that there is actually nothing wrong with it. Abusing it because I thought if I change it, I could change people.

How could I love people if I couldn't love the most constant thing in my life, which is my body? How could I have a healthy relationship with people if I forgo a healthy relationship with my body? And so many more questions with only one answer, I need to love and appreciate my body the way it deserves to be loved and appreciated.

People will see my body the way they want to see it, they will have their opinion about it, they will say things about it, and nothing I can do about it. And why should I? Because in the end, it’s just my body and I.

This is a love letter to my body, filled with unthinkable grateful words about the things it has been through and will go through.

